Friday, December 4, 2015

Music Video SEO Online Marketing: How to Rank WebPages with Music VIdeos...
Follow online, with the best online video marketing services for Musicians, with and the best Musician's online video Ranking Services.  

Monday, August 24, 2015

Best Rental Units Apartments Available Now Virgina

RENT NOW WITH VIDEO MARKETING!!! Best Cville Rental Apartments with the best prices, most flexible terms and most experienced leasing, rental property agencies in Charlottesville Virginia.  Best personal injury attorneys and the best online video marketing for injury lawyers and personal auto accident traffic injury law firms in Virginia  

If you're looking for an apartment to rent in Charlottesville or Albemarle County Virginia, the best thing to do is make sure you go with a trusted reliable experienced rental agency or company that is local to the Charlottesville area.
Charlottesville offers great rental opportunities whether it be a house or home you're looking to lease or rent, if you're looking to rent an apartment downtown, or if you just need to rent a nice house or apartment in the UVA area to go to school; all rental opportunities and options are available. 
When trying to qualify your best place to rent in Charlottesville, you need to ask yourself what do you spend most of your day doing, what are the amenities that makes you happiest, or what is most convenient for your daily activities. These qualifiers are the first step to finding the rental unit with an adequate opportunity to satisfy your lifestyle needs and requirements.

When you are planning to rent out or lease a house or apartment in Charlottesville it all comes down to lifestyle and family and what it is that your specific lifestyle needs in order to be congruent and in-line with making your life fluid, simple, easy, and enjoyable.  

Monday, June 15, 2015

Worlds Best New Live Music Videos iPad Productions

Worlds Best New Live Music Videos iPad Productions

Making New Live Music Videos with multiple iPads and iPhones to handcraft cinematic effects and synced audio and video engineering with the best new music making apps available!

Worlds Best New Live Music Videos iPad Productions & Video SEO and best iPad Videos.

By: The Online Engineer & The Mobile Musician 

The best new music videos solo produced on multiple iPads and iPhones, in order to match up the audio and video tracks.  The result is a fun, live new iPad music video production, that you filmed and engineered by yourself, and you could have been anywhere, even without power......

The Millennial Generation is creating a new hybrid, video/music artist that is capable of marketing him or herself online with music and video and make it visible to phrases such as "best new live iPad music video artist", so that if you're in charlottesivlle virginia looking for the best new live music, you can go to the conveinence of your iPhone or iPad and You Tube will have all of your best new local artists' newest iPad multi-camera angle music video productions for all to enjoy online. 

 Helping the solo artist market themselves online on the first page of google searches that identify with their musical niche talent and song type!

  Live new music artists, featuring all of your local cities talent, both live musical performances and Online Music Video Super Star iPad mobile music.

Simple and easy to create by yourself, Video recordings and productions with the best new music making apps and best new tutorials and how to son beatmaking and recording audio into GarageBand, while simultaneously recording multiple recording angles. 

 If that's not enough THEN you can Bluetooth the multiple camera angles, one at a time, into one iPad and mix up you music video on the spot with synced audio and videos files that you mixed down the audio with and panned it right and left with maybe a little compressor effect.....

any way the point is that you made a mobile music video live production all on your own, with great quality engineer audio (although this track has a waterfall noise in the background and is a terrible example of good engineered audio, but non the less, an amazing mobile music video production, made possible by the best new music making apps for the iPad, GarageBand and beatmaker2 and iMovie and the best search engine optimization! 

And if you were good enough you can then upload that video and make it visible on the front page when people search from their city for best new live music videos that way giving yourself the best independent artist music marketing opportunity online by doing all of the video and audio engineering and producing and then putting it on the front page 2 key search is and and saying "have fun, be creative and use your imagination"

Friday, June 12, 2015

Best New Live Music Videos Online Marketing Social Media Video SEO

The Nest New iPad production music studio & multi-camera angle experiences, with the iPad and iPhone GarageBame

The only way to market yourself as a new aspiring musician or artist is to market yourself online through YouTube and Vimeo another video engines and learn as much as you can about video blogs and search engine optimization.

Make no mistake about it the wave of the future is the millennial marketer and the mobile media experience with iPads and iPhones crafting clever video blogging and well engineered search visibility engineering and optimizing video for all search engines to be able to market yourself anywhere anytime with your phone.

Join the mobile music mission in the multi-camera angle iPad total music video experience as it goes mobile anywhere and everywhere showing you how to do crisp recordings at any level that you want to spend the time doing with your mobile devices tablets iPhones garage band and the best beat maker musicmaking apps available.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

New Live Music Video Production, Multi Cam, iPad, "Rebel" Cville Va Hollywood California Monile Music iPad Production

New live music iPad recording Mobile Music Mission music video

Online Marketing for independent artists, using online engineering and creativity algorithms to social media multi network the Musical Giant.....the ARCH/NET....the new musician page ranking super mogul

It's all about mobile apps, tablets and mobile music, as seem here on this Samsung TV that now appears just like your iPhone with icon apps, much like the touch pad of a beatmaker2 drum machine.....

Enjoy the vast capabilities of the iPad and iPhone when it comes to making your own, new independent recording artist music video productions.  Using multi iPads and iPhones, you can bluetooth the video footage from one device into the other device, and edit both camera angles through iMovie.  You can simultaneoulty record on garageBand, to get some great additional audio engioneering effects to go with your two different view point camera angles.

The capacity of the iPad, iPhone and other mobile or portable tablet devices,  to create, edit, upload, and distribute, all from one device in your pocket at all times TOTALLY changes the rules of video.  JUST like the Internet provides the first shift of opportunity for all small business to even the playing fieLd, because no longer do you have to have an unaffordable amount of money to buy a non existent amount of prime time slots, that, even if you could afford it, you never get it.   That's unfair that hard work can't play in the biggest marketing arena like TV has occupied for so long.  Now the tables have turned and so has the algorithm, and so it begins again for the first time.....the race of man against the stalwart, the relentless and the artist tip the cards ever so slightly, allowing the business hybrid artist just enough tell to know what much will provide opportunity if pursued to perfection.  Ah, yes, the visionary has few friends in the present tense so talk with, ever plotting ahead, battle an imaginary nemeses, meant to drive the mad crafter straight to the systematically correct conclusion.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

New iPad live music video SEO Cville Va production Charlottesville Virginia: New Cville Artists and the best new Music Videos Virginia

New iPad live music video SEO Cville Va production Charlottesville Virginia: New Cville Artists and the best new Music Videos Virginia.   Video production is done  in the palm of your hands from now on.  

Live music video production done with ease never easier to make live music videos on your iPadmaking new music live on iPads are even easier than doing videoNew iPad video music production Charlottesville Virginia live music and

 video production is done  in the palm of your hand live music video production done with ease never easier to make live music videos on your iPadmaking new music live on iPads are even easier than doing videoNew iPad video music production Charlottesville Virginia live music and

New iPad music video production Charlottesville Virginia LA to New York

New iPad music video production Charlottesville Virginia LA to New York 

The ability to do video and music production anywhere with ease. The iPad is going to revolutionize the music and video industry by allowing anyone to be able to create a production without any prior knowledge or Schooling. new music live Charlottesville Virginia  video iPad production is going to change music and video production.

Live Music Cville Va: Featuring new local artists from Hollywood to Charlottesville Virginia, and all the new best ideas, tips and tricks to record your own new live music video productions from the privacy of your iPhone or iPad with GarageBand and BeatMaker2...

New music video iPad live old I camera angle production from live music Charlottesville studios

New music video Cville live multi camera angle i Pad productions live music Hollywood Ca to Charlottesville Virginia

Live Music Charlottesville Virginia, featuring new live music video artists local to Charlottesville Virginia, helping promote independent artists with online video marketing.

Updated live new music in Cville Va, showing you the best new live music videos in Charlottesville and Richmond is helping you market your music on the first two pages of google searches.

The iPad  will change the way that live music Cville video production is done for the next 25 years. It used to be that you would learn how to play piano or guitar and you would take lessons for years before maybe hopefully getting put into a band that almost has zero chance of staying together over the course of time and if lucky being swallowed up by the industry. Now you can hang bedroom is with Ashley and your artist future with the iPad anybody to do video as you know

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

New music videos Hollywood California Online Video Marketing Special Report

New Music Videos Hollywood California 2 Cville Va Special Online Video Marketing Campaign

New music video online video production with the mobile musician and MediaVizual.commfeaturing 

New iPad multicamera angle music video productions for social media

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

New music video production iPad Hollywood to Charlottesville VA: Livemusic Charlottesville Virginia the best way to create multi angle newmusic videos

New music videos featuring the iPad and multi-camera angle new video music productions from new music the best way to handcraft your own original concept for video marketing a new artist in Charlottesville Virginia with live music

Valorie Ford is leading the new Millennial generation into unchartered territory, with potent, tactful and unique strategies that have turned the real estate industry on it's side.....if you need your digital media online visible for you potential clients or customers, you should ask yourself....

do I have a video of the product or service that makes my business money, AND, is that digital media video optimized to be exposed to the right long tail search query phrases that would actually ever get your video, or digital media production, actually seen or visible, to be viewed by anyone online...much less if you actually to cared to give the video the right engineered directive in order to specifically reach the cliental, and demographic that directly relates to the success of your small, or local business in Charlottesville or Richmond, Virginia.....